Alin Balan, Developer in Bucharest, Romania
Alin is available for hire
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Alin Balan

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Bucharest, Romania
Toptal Member Since
December 21, 2021

With over a decade of experience in full-stack development, Alin has built highly customized and scalable websites. 他擅长开发复杂的分布式Magento集成, 让他成为为你的项目寻找最佳解决方案的宝贵资源. With his expertise in web development and commitment to quality, Alin is dedicated to ensuring your project is a success.


Magtech Solutions
AWS Lambda, Magento 2, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Elasticsearch, PHP...
ALTEX Romania
Varnish, Magento 1, PHP, MySQL, Magento, Node.js, NGINX, Vim Text Editor...
Magento 1, MuleSoft, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, Jenkins, Magento, Node.js, NGINX...




Preferred Environment

Magento 2, Magento 1, Magento Enterprise, PHP, JavaScript, API, API Integration, Laravel, Node.js

The most amazing...


Work Experience


2016 - PRESENT
Magtech Solutions
  • 使用AWS Lambda开发BigCommerce集成,增强可扩展性和成本效率. The solution enabled real-time data synchronization, improved performance, and reduced infrastructure costs.
  • 集成ELK可视化Magento 2日志,增强可见性和故障排除. Leveraging my expertise in ELK stack and Magento 2, I implemented the solution to enable efficient log monitoring, analysis, and optimization.
  • 开发安全API以访问多个ERP系统,提高数据集成和可见性. 该解决方案在保持数据安全性和完整性的同时实现了无缝数据交换.
  • Built flowerbeauty.使用Magento 2和AWS服务,增强性能和安全性. 通过高性能和可靠的解决方案改进了站点功能和用户体验.
  • Improved Magento 2 indexing for, optimizing speed and efficiency. 实施策略,减少索引时间,提高网站性能和收入.
  • Upgraded to Magento 2.4.3 successfully, enhancing site functionality and security. 进行全面的测试,解决问题,实现平稳过渡. Improved performance and user experience with the latest version.
Technologies: AWS Lambda, Magento 2, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Elasticsearch, PHP, MySQL, Redis, AWS ELB, Git, Magento, ELK (Elastic Stack), Node.js, NGINX, Vim Text Editor, Redis Cache, MongoDB, Docker Compose, Magento Enterprise, Architecture, Magento API, Magento Modules, HTML5, API Integration, HTML, APIs, eCommerce, RabbitMQ, Laravel, Stripe, GitHub, NoSQL, Bitbucket, SQL, Full-stack Development, SMTP, MySQL Server, Amazon EC2, RDS, JavaScript, Payment APIs, Amazon RDS, OpenAI GPT-3 API, ChatGPT, DevOps, Web Development, Databases, Full-stack, Agile, Leadership, Python, PHP 7, Software Development, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, REST APIs, Ubuntu, User Interface (UI), Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Back-end, Data Structures, Magento Community Edition, Magento Extension Development, Knockout (Knockout.js), PDF, Audits

Senior Full-stack Developer

2014 - 2016
ALTEX Romania
  • 在清漆服务器集群后面创建了一个基础设施,以加快响应时间,并使用一个复杂的标记系统,允许Magento根据库存变化根据需要清除缓存页面.
  • 扩展了Magneto 1功能,允许在清漆缓存页面上显示动态和个性化的内容.
  • 使用JMeter和AWS EC2开发负载测试基础设施,模拟黑色星期五的流量预期.
Technologies: Varnish, Magento 1, PHP, MySQL, Magento, Node.js, NGINX, Vim Text Editor, Redis Cache, Docker Compose, Architecture, Magento API, Magento Modules, API Integration, HTML, APIs, eCommerce, RabbitMQ, GitHub, NoSQL, Bitbucket, SQL, Full-stack Development, SMTP, MySQL Server, Amazon EC2, RDS, JavaScript, Payment APIs, Amazon RDS, DevOps, Technical Leadership, Web Development, Databases, Full-stack, Agile, Leadership, PHP 7, Software Development, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, REST APIs, Ubuntu, User Interface (UI), Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Back-end, Data Structures, Magento Community Edition, Magento Extension Development, Knockout (Knockout.js), PDF

Senior Developer

2014 - 2014
  • 为全球客户开发了一系列Magento 1电子商务平台. 每个Magento平台都是个性化的,以适应目标国家的需求.
  • 开发集中式Magento 1 ERP集成,使用MuleSoft作为主要编排工具,为众多ERP集成提供支持.
  • 监督与不同国家的一系列供应商的多种支付和运输方式的整合.
技术:Magento 1, MuleSoft, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, Jenkins, Magento, Node.js, NGINX, Vim Text Editor, Redis Cache, Magento API, Magento Modules, API Integration, HTML, APIs, eCommerce, RabbitMQ, GitHub, NoSQL, Bitbucket, SQL, Full-stack Development, SMTP, MySQL Server, Amazon EC2, RDS, Payment APIs, Amazon RDS, DevOps, Technical Leadership, Web Development, Databases, Full-stack, Agile, Leadership, PHP 7, Software Development, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, REST APIs, Ubuntu, User Interface (UI), Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Back-end, Data Structures, Magento Community Edition, Magento Extension Development, Knockout (Knockout.js), PDF

CTO | Team Leader

2011 - 2014
Innobyte Solutions SRL
  • Developed eCommerce platforms based on the client's requirements. One of them was Zirg.
  • 改进了公司的工作流程和知识共享.
  • Gathered requirements from clients, split them into tasks and sprints, 并根据每个成员的技能将任务分配给团队成员.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、Magento 1、PHP、MySQL、Magento、Apache Solr、Node.js, NGINX, Vim Text Editor, Redis Cache, MongoDB, Symfony, Architecture, Magento API, Magento Modules, API Integration, HTML, APIs, eCommerce, GitHub, NoSQL, Bitbucket, CSS, SQL, Full-stack Development, SMTP, MySQL Server, Amazon EC2, RDS, JavaScript, Payment APIs, Amazon RDS, DevOps, Technical Leadership, Web Development, Databases, Full-stack, Agile, Leadership, PHP 5, Software Development, Google Analytics, REST APIs, Ubuntu, User Interface (UI), Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Data Structures, Magento Community Edition, Magento Extension Development, Knockout (Knockout.js), PDF, Audits

Full-stack Developer

2007 - 2011
Estinvest SA
  • Integrated a Java system to sync BVB data with our database, requiring automated data processing and storage. 作为一名开发人员,它挑战了我的创新和成长,从而产生了一个强大的解决方案.
  • 构建了一个用户友好的PHP平台与先进的图表工具显示实时股票细节. Leveraging PHP libraries, 我开发了一个响应和独立的系统,准确和及时的数据, benefiting traders and users.
  • 开发了一个财务后台和数据库之间的同步系统, enabling automatic data transfer for streamlined operations. Using advanced programming languages, I ensured the accuracy and timeliness of data updates, improving overall efficiency.
  • 使用AutoHotkey为交易者自动插入数据,减少错误并提高效率. 我开发了一个用户友好的工具,节省了时间,让交易者专注于核心职责.
Technologies: Java, PHP, Apache2, GitHub, NoSQL, CSS, SQL, Full-stack Development, Games, SMTP, MySQL Server, Web Development, Databases, Assets, Investments, Web Scraping, Scraping, Data Scraping, PHP 5, Software Development, Ubuntu

Jewelry Store
作为Magento 2电子商务平台个性化魅力和挂件的架构师和开发者, 我设计了体系结构并实现了后端和前端功能. I set up the AWS environment, installed Magento 2, integrated the 3D rendering tool, and configured payment and shipping options. I also developed the customization module, allowing customers to design and view their pendants in 3D format. My expertise in web development created a robust, reliable, and optimized website, 为顾客提供独特和个性化的购物体验,以满足他们的珠宝需求.

Online Makeup Store
快速可靠的Magento 2电子商务平台托管在AWS上,并利用Varnish web应用程序加速器为客户提供无缝的购物体验. As the architect and developer of this platform, 我设计了网站的基础设施,以确保最佳的性能, 将Varnish全页缓存与AWS的自动扩展能力相结合,以处理突然激增的流量. 我在网络开发方面的专业知识使我能够创建一个可扩展且可靠的网站, 为寻求强大的在线业务和销售增长的电子商务企业量身定制. With robust security features, reliable data backup and recovery, and scalability to accommodate future growth, 托管在AWS上并利用Varnish web应用程序加速器的Magento 2电子商务平台是一个高效的网站, providing a fast, reliable, and seamless shopping experience for customers.

eCommerce Platform for Medical Uniforms
A BigCommerce platform. As a developer, 我设计并实现了一个连接ERP系统和BigCommerce网站的中间件解决方案. I utilized AWS Lambda, Node.js, MongoDB作为NoSQL数据库存储解决方案,建立平台间的实时通信和自动数据传输. The solution is highly scalable and reliable, 使中间件能够处理大量数据而不影响性能. 我在中间件开发方面的专业知识促进了两个平台之间的无缝和高效连接, 向有关各方提供准确和最新的信息.


PHP, JavaScript, HTML, PHP 5, PHP 7, HTML5, SQL, Java, CSS, Python


Knockout (Knockout.js), Laravel, Symfony


REST APIs, Node.js, Stripe, BigCommerce API


Vim Text Editor, Git, NGINX, GitHub, Bitbucket, Docker Compose, ELK (Elastic Stack), Magento Modules, RabbitMQ, Apache Solr, Jenkins, AWS ELB, Varnish, AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS), Google Analytics


Object-oriented Programming (OOP), DevOps, Agile


Magento 2, Magento 1, Magento, Ubuntu, Magento Community Edition, Magento Extension Development, AWS Lambda, Docker, Magento Enterprise, Magento API, Amazon EC2, Amazon Web Services (AWS), MuleSoft, Apache2, BigCommerce


MySQL服务器,MySQL, Redis缓存,NoSQL,数据库,Elasticsearch, Redis, MongoDB


API Integration, eCommerce, Payment APIs, Web Development, Web Scraping, Scraping, Data Scraping, Software Development, Back-end, Architecture, APIs, Full-stack Development, SMTP, RDS, Amazon RDS, Technical Leadership, Full-stack, Leadership, PDF, Audits, Games, OpenAI GPT-3 API, ChatGPT, Assets, Investments, Google Tag Manager, User Interface (UI), Data Structures

NOVEMBER 2012 - MARCH 2021

Magento Certified Developer Plus


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